10 Fresh Topic Ideas For Your Doctoral Thesis On International Law

As you prepare to research and write your doctoral thesis in International Law, remember it will end up looking like a book. It will have the Front Matter, Body Matter, and Back Matter, it will be published and it will be the most important piece of writing in your academic career. You will want to select a fresh and creative idea, which can show-off your knowledge of your field. Use our 10 fresh topic ideas for your Doctoral thesis on international Law.

10 Fresh Topic Ideas

  1. Law and the Olympics-what teams have been banned or removed from participation due to legal concerns, what was the process like, and how did it proceed through the courts as well as the Olympic Committees. You could also look closely at the troubles that Russia is currently experiencing with this scenario.
  2. War Crimes-look at war crimes and how they end up in either military or international courts of law.
  3. Extraditing the Bad Guys-which countries work together and which ones work against each other, and the reasons why.
  4. Internet Crimes and Crossing Borders for Prosecution-what it takes to prosecute hackers from other countries. When has this happened and what are the processes and time frames.
  5. Changes in the Law due to Technology-a closer look at the changes, good and bad, in the system that has resulted due to technological advancements.
  6. When Laws Clash-what to do when a crime involves people from two countries or the location of two countries, and the law and punishments are different
  7. Brexit-what the exit of Britain from the EU will do to current trade laws and how quickly new laws will be passed.
  8. When the Military Enforces International Criminals-when a war criminal or spy breaks a law and the military issues the punishment, things can get dicey. Look closely at this scenario for your piece.
  9. International Waters and Rival Countries-what happens when rival countries engage in a dispute because one of them does not respect or follow the laws of international waters. Look at cases where this has occurred and the end results.
  10. Trade Friends and Foes and the Laws They Break-when trade laws are broken by two countries to benefit them, the international law community has to step in and take actions. This unusual scenario would create a good subject.